Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) also known as Surveillance or Security cameras are tools for maintaining security in homes, businesses, or any other location. Such devices are usually connected to other devices to record and store information. This category of digital products contain many variations and groupings. The following list presents some brief descriptions regarding the most popular CCTV types:
– Digital CCTV directly record images and videos as digital signals. Then, these signals are compressed and converted into standard video formats such as MPEG.
– DVR Security System are a type of surveillance system that consist of a series of cameras that are collected to observe over a specific location.
– IP Cameras are cameras capable of sending and receiving data through computer networks. These cameras have become rather popular in recent years.
– Wireless Cameras encode and forward their audio and visual data as wireless signals to the receiver.
After talking about some of the most popular CCTV camera types, we should talk about some of the main features of these cameras:
– Internal Storage: Most CCTV systems are capable of storing data on an external device (such as an external storage or server); however, this greatly reduces the system’s security and increases the possibility of information manipulation. Therefore, the internal storage of your CCTV device will become a safe option for your activities and the size of these storages becomes rather important.
– Data Retention: CCTV systems generate enormous amounts of data. This size depends on the compression ratio and number of stored images per second. Most cameras have limited internal storages. Therefore, they retain the data for a specific and limited time and then remove the previous data to make space for newer captures. This is why the data retention time is crucial based on your usage.
– Image Resolution: This factor could be central based on your field of work. Therefore, you should search for a camera with a higher or lower resolution based on your personal application.