The Graphical Processing Unit (GPU)

In the early days of the computer systems that we know today, it was IBM that introduced a system with a modular design and replaceable parts to the market for the first time. Now, using IBM’s original design, third-party companies have produced motherboards with multiple slots for connecting the computer components that a system needs to get started. Among these parts, the graphics card is responsible for displaying images.

A graphics card is a printed electronic circuit that is a smaller example of a motherboard and includes RAM, processor and other components. The main component of a graphics card is the “graphics processing unit” or GPU, which is generally divided into two categories: “integrated graphics processor” and “discrete graphics processor”.

The integrated GPU is placed inside the motherboard and cannot be upgraded or replaced. This type of GPU is commonly used in low-cost laptops and desktop systems. This category of systems is administrative and you can’t expect much from them for design or games.

The discrete graphics processor is a part on the graphics card that is installed through a separate slot on the motherboard. This category of graphics processors is replaceable and you will be able to update your system by replacing them.

Today’s modern graphics cards are advanced enough to function like a standalone computer system. They have the ability to perform several processes at the same time and now they have become the most complex hardware part of computers, especially graphics cards that are designed for games and advanced image processing.