The Power Supply Unit (PSU)

The power supply is actually the heart of your computer. The power supply is the most important part in any system because it is responsible for providing the electricity required for the operation of all other parts, including the motherboard, graphic card, RAM, processor, internal hard drive, etc. In this way, any problem in the operation of the power supply will affect other parts. The occurrence of such disturbances, especially in low-quality power supplies that do not have appropriate protection approaches, will lead to damage to other parts of your system. But unfortunately, many users ignore this issue.

Instead of getting a suitable power supply based on system needs, users usually go to buy all their other parts and then buy a cheap power supply with their remaining budget. For this purpose, it is better for users to carefully study the requirements of other important parts of their system (including motherboard connection sockets, graphics card power and processor power consumption, among other things) to choose a suitable power supply from Buy a well-known brand such as power supply brands covered by Avajang, which have appropriate protection approaches to prevent any problems and failures.